For referrers

Dr Hayes has expertise in the neuropsychological assessment of children and adults with a range of conditions, including medical, neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. Her services include:

  • Assessment to improve understanding and management of a range of issues pertaining to brain function
  • Assessment to establish a new diagnosis, including:
    • Diagnostic ADHD assessments in both children and adults 
    • The early diagnosis of dementia in older adults
  • Assessment to differentiate diagnoses (such dementia vs psychiatric illness), or to clarify the contribution of coexisting problems 
  • Assessment of acquired brain injury, including traumatic brain injury 
  • Baseline assessment and cognitive monitoring, such as before and after surgery, or monitoring progress over time
  • Assessment of intellectual functioning, cognitive strengths and weaknesses, and learning disability
  • Assessment for planning return to work or school after neurological illness or acquired brain injury
  • Assessment for the planning of cognitive remediation
  • Assessment for decision making capacity, guardianship and financial management

Who benefits from Neuropsychological Assessment

Neuropsychological assessment helps doctors and their patients understand the impact of the medical condition on the person’s cognition and behaviour. Patients with the following conditions may benefit from assessment:

  • Neurodegenerative diseases such as dementias
  • Neurological disorders such a epilepsy and movement disorders
  • Psychiatric conditions such as mood disorders
  • Cerebrovascular accidents (stroke)
  • Substance abuse disorders
  • Neurodevelopmental conditions, such as intellectual disability and ADHD
  • Medical conditions that have a effect on brain health, such as autoimmune conditions, infections, and chronic kidney disease

Please email your referral to [email protected]